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Wayne Burghardt

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Wayne Burghardt


I am primarily a composer of classical symphonic music, but I also have a long history of writing and recording non-mainstream rock with various bands. Although I studied percussion performance for many years, I spend most of my time these days at the piano.  Click here to listen to samples of my various musical styles.


My love of photography goes hand-in-hand with my love for the great outdoors.  I tend to look for the beauty in nature's details and illusions and to leave the postcard shots for others.  Click here to view some of my photographs.

In case you're wondering what I look like, here are a few shots to give you an idea:

msuselfsm.jpg (3207 bytes) waynepicsm.gif (5147 bytes) 462102 Banff sm.jpg (6460 bytes)
Self Portrait, 1982,
Michigan State University
Self Portrait, 1998,
Smugglers Notch, VT
With Brutus, 2002
Banff, AB


Comments? Suggestions? Criticisms? wayne@wburghardt.com